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Seulement les feuilles. The Colours of Autumn in Riga.

Chez nous c'est déjà l'automne. Il reste seulement les feuilles.

8 komentāri:

  1. Lovely to see the beautiful autumn colours of trees in Riga. It must be a beautiful town which I should like to visit once. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures.

  2. Che belle immagini! Benvenuta nella Buca cara Sandra ;)
    Ciao Lieta

  3. Bonjour Sandra et merci de votre visite sur mon blog.

    Riga a l'air d'être une jolie ville. Moi aussi, j'aime beaucoup l'automne et ses couleurs chaudes.

    Bon weekend


  4. Amazing photos and a wonderful city! Nice to meet you!

  5. Thank you for leaving such a nice reply on my blog.

    Your pictures are great. We really would like to visit your country for a weekend trip. Our friends were in Riga and they had the most wonderful stories about your town.

    Didn't know French was spoken as well.

    Merci pour les feuilles en l'automne. J"en ai ici aussi. Trop.(je les laisse. Pas de temps pour travailler dans le jardin)

  6. Skaisti redzēt Rīgu rudenī, it sevišķi Doma baznīcu no kuras man ir mīļas jo mīļas atmiņas.

  7. Hello Sandra, what a beautiful series of photos. Bonjour de Montreal, Quebec, Canada!

  8. Such a beautiful place and wonderful colors of autumn
